Day 1- A Brand New Me
Day 1 - A Brand New Me... This blog is just for myself.After watching some of bob proctors videos,especially the video's about paradigm shift,i know that i need to make some paradigm shift's myself. So today i have already written out my life purpose,my 5 goals and affirmations,approximately 15,so i can re-program my sub-conscious mind.I have also roughly created some quick mind movies.Not proper mind movie's but starting point's of vision's i want to think about in my mind's eye. I can sense already that my current paradigm's are stopping me from starting because i sometimes do not know where to start when i clearly know what to do.I think once i start doing it i will be ok. So my life purpose is: "To continually grow as a person by gaining as many experience's as possible and use the thing's the i learn,along with my creativity,to make the world a better,more exciting place to live for me and for others" My goal's,tha...